International Women’s day is celebrated on 8th of March. On this occasion, you can prepare mailing directed to men and also women. If you think it through, men will be thankful for reminding them about this special day, and women will feel appreciated.
How to prepare mailing for International Women’s Day?
When you use email marketing, you have many opportunities to promote your brand and your products. One of the ideas is to use Holidays and special days. It can bring you a lot of benefits. However, don’t use all of the Holidays for marketing purposes… use only those, which are consistent with your brand. If you feel that the particular occasion is not relevant for your client’s, don’t force yourself to participate. However, if you plan your mailing in advance, you can increase the traffic on your website. People will check out your offer and in effect you’re going to sell more.
Remember about targeting
You can’t send the same kind of mailing to women and men. Before you start preparing emails, divide your subscribers based on their gender. The same content wouldn’t be convincing for everyone.
Personalize the message
In this context, it is particularly important to personalize the content. While preparing it, use the recipient’s name, instead of a standard greeting. It will be more convincing and it will encourage the person to open the email and read it. Using personalization makes people click on emails more often. It’s not a secret that if you see your name, it will draw your attention. Thanks to personalization, you can create that special bond, which will help you get closer to your audience. This way you gain their trust and it translates directly into sales.
How to prepare the subject and the content of the email?
It all begins from the email subject and it can really influence the decision of the recipient, whether they would want to read the whole message or not. So focus on drawing attention and evoking emotions. If you write to women, think about what might interest them. What do they expect from you? Prepare something special for them and offer them a voucher or a discount.
On the contrary, men would be grateful for a reminder or a list of presents they could buy. See a couple of examples below.
Email subjects for women
Hello Kate, it’s going to be your day
Kate, get your Women’s day present now.
Email subjects for men
Carl, don’t forget about a special day that’s approaching
10 ideas for a perfect gift for her
International Women’s Day is approaching… we have a list of presents for you
Oh no! Don’t tell me you forgot!
Next, let’s get to the content
Above all, you need to focus on the message you want to convey. It has to be clear and substantial. Paying attention to email is one thing, reading it is another. However, there is yet another thing you should care about. It is going to the offer page and making a purchase. So while creating email you need to remember about it.
Before you send an email, read it a couple of times and check if the information is concrete and if the recipient would know what to do. Encourage to click the link, so they could see what you’ve prepared.
Focus on one step they need to take.
Show them what value they will find after clicking the button, and what they would gain by doing this.
Don’t forget about the CTA button – it has to be visible and readable.
Make sure the link works properly. Before you send the message to your subscriber list – test it.
Discover 10 methods: how to improve your newsletter
How to choose email colors?
While choosing the colors you need to look at the colors of your brand, but is it all you should consider? No. Colors play particularly important role on every stage of making a decision.
Recipients differ from each other and their shopping decisions are influenced by many factors. The same way, every color matters depending on whether your recipient is a woman or a man. Women love blue, purple, green, and they hate orange, brown, and gray. When it comes to men, they find blue, green, and black more appealing than brown, orange, or purple.
Source: buffer.com
When you create an email you can create different color versions. Especially the CTA (call to action) button. Take it into consideration, how the colors can impact the decisions of the recipient, but take it easy and don’t do too many colors.
Plan the strategy of your mailing
Plan the mailing in advance. Sometimes the decisive process lasts very long, but when you send mailing, you need to act fast. It is not the offer that is going to last forever, so make the impression of urgency and schedule the mailing. You’re not the only one. The recipient will probably get a lot of similar offers at the same time. You need to stand out from the crowd. The reader can miss your message, so one email is not enough.
Send the first message one week before the Women’s day, and another one, three days before the 8th of March, to the people who didn’t open the previous one or didn’t use the offer.
Ideas for Women’s Day mailing
See some ideas for Women’s Day mailing. It all depends on your business and what you can offer to your audience. It could be a one-time promo code or a discount on the second thing they buy. The possibilities are many. You can also offer a free delivery, if you can’t do a promotion. This form of gift would make women happy and they will gladly pick something at your store. If you direct your mailing to men, you need to put some images of products in the email. Make it easy for them.
Source: helfy.pl
Source: pasazgrunwaldzki.pl