How to create an effective email subject?



Writing emails is simple, when we talk about regular emails. If you send emails to your clients, they have to be unique, so you have to make effort. It doesn’t mean it’s so complicated that you wouldn’t be able to do it. Think about the emails you receive for a second. You’ve probably came across at least one email that caught your attention. What was it? What was the subject line? Did you get it from the person or a company you know? What made you open the email and read it? What influenced you?

There are tons of factors that make people decide if they open the email or move it to the spam folder immediately. Don’t think about the latter, as we’re now going to focus on the positive reaction. First things first, let’s discuss the email subject line. What to do in order to draw the recipient’s attention and make them read the whole email? Where there is a will, there is a way. First of all, your message has to stand out from the other emails in the recipient’s inbox. They get a lot of messages everyday. Yours has to be unique and appealing. What’s more, you can create such strong connection with a potential customer, that they would be looking forward to read emails from you.

Would you like to see such results? I think so, so let’s get to it!

Draw attention with a good email subject

Everything starts from the subject. No matter how good the content is, if you tell a good story, or make an attractive offer, the recipient won’t open it, unless you interest them with the subject. Is there a foolproof recipe for what the subject should be? You know your clientele, who they are, what are their expectations, and problems. Now your task is to give them the solutions and value.

So… Use A/B tests

If you’re not sure what subject to use, try to experiment with two versions. That’s how you’ll find out which of the elements is more efficient.

You can either address the recipient by their name or use a generic form. Use emoji, or not. It all depends on what you want to achieve or if the email is formal or not.

If you choose informal style, addressing the recipient by their name would be a good idea. It is just more personal. A person, who opens an email like this would feel special and you can slowly develop your relationship with them.

Preheader – diving deeper into the email

The subject shouldn’t be too long. This short line has to draw attention. Use preheader to elaborate on it. Preheader is a text that appears next to the subject. It is very important and you should know how to use it efficiently in email marketing. Don’t try to put all the information in the subject. It will look better if you put some of them in the preheader. Those are first few sentences of your email. Listen, you have only few seconds to interest your potential client and influence them to make a certain action. The subject and the preheader have to encourage them to click on the message.

Ask intriguing questions, and provoke emotional response. Sometimes there’s an emoji in the subject line. You already know, when to use it, and when it’s better not to. Now the question is: HOW to use it, so it matches the topic of the message? Emoji can function in the subject as kind of a signature. If you use the same emoji before every subject, it becomes a symbol that the subscriber immediately recognizes and associates it with you. It will be more visible in the inbox, when the recipient filters the emails. Try to choose an emoji that is consistent with your brand. Emoji can also be a complement of a text. For example a stop sign emoji can be used, when you use the word “stop” in your subject line.

To sum up

Remember to always approach writing emails in a creative way. When the client opens their inbox, and sees your email, they have to think that they would find something valuable inside. They have to feel that they get first hand information. It just has to be good, so influence their emotions, feelings, ask interesting questions, leave some things unsaid, build a relationship with the reader, tell stories. You really can learn how to create good and efficient emails. You just need to know the tricks and apply them. We hope you found this article helpful. If you’ve just started your email marketing adventure, use that knowledge while writing your emails. We will slowly introduce you to the email marketing world, you will learn a lot of practical and effective solutions, which will help you achieve the desired results. Good luck!

Go to the entry to find out more: How to start email marketing >>

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