7 Day Course

Become an email marketing Ninja

Lesson 3

When is the best time to send emails

Preparing a good email content and a subject is not enough. You also need to know, when and how to send emails. But what is a perfect time for it? Well, if you stick to a few rules from the beginning, you can make your subscribers get used to reading your emails. Opening rate is not the most important thing. What you should be most concerned about is what percentage of people make a further action. Check when most of your subscribers joined. That could be a perfect time for sending emails to them. You know your subscribers best, so you can probably figure out when they read their emails. Observe your social media accounts. See, when your audience comments, reacts, or messages you.


Make sure your audience gets emails, during the time they sign up to your email list.


You can do it with NetSendo’s tool. It is a system message, which you can set up to be sent during the time, when each individual person signed up to the list. When you plan to send a next email, you can choose a day and hour, when it is going to be sent.


Configuring system messages

NetSendo - Konfiguracja wiadomości systemowych #7


Make your subscriber look forward to your emails!

Above all, you need to send emails regularly. Make your subscribers get used to your emails. Don’t send the emails randomly, once in a while, but be systematic. It could be twice a week, but choose the right days and time of day. This way you can make your subscribers get used to getting your mailing, or even make them look forward to your emails. Try to build emotions while you write your content. At the end of each email, write what they can expect from the next one and what it would contain. 

Okay. You spent time on preparing email, wrote an attention grabbing subject, and chose a perfect time to send it. What could go wrong? 

They didn’t open your email.

Unfortunately, it happens. In this case, you should send it again to all those who didn’t open the email. 

You can encourage the recipient with an interesting topic:

Hey, you forgot to open the last email

We won’t give up!

This is the second chance, Carl. Let’s hope it’s not the last one.

What you can do to make subscribers stay on your list?

Of course, you have to give your subscriber a possibility of signing out, but you also need to do everything to not let this happen. If you collect a lot of emails, you should keep your subscribers interested.


Unfortunately, there will always be a certain percentage of people who sign out from your list.


It could be that certain people sign up just to get a certain value, and when they get it, they will immediately sign out. Another reason for that could be an uninteresting topic, which your audience finds boring or frequency of sending emails. If you bombard your subscribers with emails, they could think it’s pushy. Don’t send too many emails. Your audience could get tired of them and stop keeping up with them. Also, don’t send too few emails. Too often – bad, too rarely – worse. If you send emails once in a while, you can lose contact with your subscribers.


Find out what are the ways of measuring the efficiency of your actions.

You can test what works and what doesn’t. You can figure out what to change and what to get rid of. It’s worth to analyze the effects of your work and eliminate errors, if you discover any. When you have these information, you can find out if the content you make is interesting for your readers.

  • Delivery rate – it shows, how many emails have been delivered to the subscribers from your list. You can make sure that your emails get to the recipients.
  • Opening rate – it shows, how many people have opened the email and read it. 
  • CTR (click through rate) – you can see, how many people are interested in your offer and made further action. The higher the rate, the more effective the campaign. 
  • Conversion rate – that is what number of people have made a purchase, downloaded an e-book, etc.
  • Resignation rate – the number of people who signed out from the newsletter.


Email delivery rate

It’s the value you have to constantly improve and regularly check if the emails get to your subscribers. In our previous lesson, we were talking about content, as it has an influence on the opening rate. Your email should be interesting and valuable. Otherwise, your emails may go directly into the spam folder. It is one of the worst things that could happen if you try to build your email list. Every message you send to your audience goes through advanced spam filters that thoroughly scan the content. Also, pay attention to graphics and pictures you put in your email, as they are checked as well. If you decide to include a high resolution image, filters can assume it’s an ad.


Remember to give your subscribers a possibility to sign out of the newsletter.

Putting a link that would allow your subscribers to resign from the newsletter is obligatory. A subscriber, who doesn’t want to get emails from you has to have an option to quit. They signed up voluntarily and they can sign out the same way. Hiding a link or not putting it in the first place, can result in flagging your emails as spam. 

The average opening rate in Poland is 29,60%, while the world’s average is 22,15%. It’s one of the best results. It can be caused by the lack of oversaturation of the Polish email market and high quality emails, sent to subscribers. 

Data: getresponse.com for the period from January till June 2019.


It’s all for today. Check your inbox tomorrow. You will get a fourth lesson, where you will find out what is newsletter, mailing, or autoresponder. 

Need to go back to the previous lesson? You can do it here.

See you tomorrow!

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