
Be close to your clients

personalizacja widomości - email marketing

In order to succeed in sales, you have to build a relationship with the client.


This way you will gain their trust.

And trust reflects directly the sales. A great way to build     long-lasting relationships is customization of offers. The mailing campaign you run, consists not only of the text messages. The major part are the people who read them.

In NetSendo we focus on customization of offers. You can address your customers by their name and choose the content depending on their gender. This way you can overcome the distance and make the relationship become more personal.

You can customize the offers on mailing campaign level or external sites. The clients are especially excited about the second solution. Most of people have already seen their name in the emails before. However, when you custom the whole page, it is a completely different experience. Conversion rates will be much higher.


See how personalisation works in NetSendo

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