Email marketing trends for 2020



Email marketing becomes more and more appreciated, however it changes constantly and it is hard to clearly predict, what actions would bring the best results. Every year more and more companies decides to implement email marketing to their business, so it gets harder and harder. Above all, delivering emails is a challenge for most of us. If you want to succeed in email marketing, you have to think ahead.


Let’s find out what are the email marketing trends which will be the most prominent in 2020. We have to pay extra attention to them.


1 The strategy for sending emails

That means the strategy to increase the income from mailing campaigns. If you wrote a good article on your blog, don’t send it to your subscribers in full. Instead, divide it to three parts so it remains logically consistent and put it in the message queue. Prepare it the way that would interest the reader and make them invested. By the end of each part, leave an intriguing question and answer it in the next one. Make it look like an interesting story, and don’t put any sales links there. This way you can build a good relationship with your audience. And leave them wondering, where is the product you recommend, or where they could find a website with your offer. It is kind of a strategy you can use in your business. Gradually attract the reader, by sending them information about your products and building a friendly relation.


How to rebuild a dead mailing list?

I’m sure you have an email list that hasn’t been used in a while. It has been a long time and you could think it’s already lost, as you were not systematic with your messages. Don’t thank that way, as you may really rebuild that relationship. Write an email and remind that person, why they joined your list, and then tell them something about the brand and give them something valuable, so they can come back. It all comes down to building a closer relationship with your customer. Writing emails should be based on three things: creativity, empathy, and intuition. You have to adjust to changing trends so you can go bigger and bigger, and observe the effects of your work.


Be authentic

Things you write have to be coherent and consistent. A whooping 86% of consumers claim that authenticity is a key element of making decision about the purchase. The customers want to know everything, so you can’t hide anything, deceive, or break promises. You can achieve your goals when you learn to notice the problems of you audience, and make an authentic contact with them. The customers look for a real brand with real people standing behind it.


Tell stories

It is the best way to create a relationship with your new customer and making them feel a certain way, until they buy your product. A good story can sell a lot more than traditional commercial slogans. If you want to sell more, you can attract more subscribers and maintain a relationship with them by narration. Telling a story about the brand creates an emotional bond between you and your audience so it becomes more authentic and close to potential clients.


Answer the questions (voice search)

Without doubt, it’s one of the most important trends for 2020. If you know how to use it, you have a huge chance to make it. You need to formulate the content, based on the questions asked by people. This way you can show them that you are one step ahead of the customer and you can react to their individual problems. The answer for asked questions has to be specific, exhaustive, but what’s most important, it has to be attractive for the reader.


Customize the content

We’ve been talking about it for a long time, but customization becomes more and more important. It is not only putting the recipient’s name in the subject, preheader, or the content of the email, buy also on sales pages. If you direct the message to everybody, you just can’t measure the efficiency. Every person is different and makes different actions, so you need to send them a personalized message based on their actions. Thanks to this, you can seem more reliable and trustworthy.


2 Take care about optimization of mobile devices.

Most of the research studies about email opening rate proves that smartphones make a higher number of opened messages than PCs. Mobile devices become a priority. What is more, the percentage of income from mobile devices increased by 23%, so when you create emails and plan to send them, you should remember to make them look good. Don’t forget that a lot of your clients reads emails on their smartphones. Double check if everything is clear and displays properly. Take the whole message layout into consideration. Images and font size are crucial. Some images may not show up on mobile screens. If your goal is to convince the client to go to your website after opening your email, try to limit the content to the bare minimum. Tell the short story and encourage them to click the link, where you put most of the information.


Take more time to test the messages to make sure that your audience, no matter what device they use, will get a clear message. Remember that less is more. Get rid of unnecessary elements, which could distract the recipient, or make the message so unclear that they wouldn’t be able to see the offer. Clarity and minimalism are the key.


3 How does AI influence email marketing?

Focus on providing the best content at the right time for the particular person or a group of people, whether they are existing clients or potential ones. You need to learn the behaviors of your clients and apply adequate solutions, which encourage them to do a particular thing: purchasing a product, signing up to a course, taking part in a professional training, buying a subscription, etc. Have you ever wondered how could AI influence email marketing? Through customization, segmentation, optimization of the subject and content of the message. Also, through managing the time and frequency of sending messages, A/B tests, and data analysis.


4 Call to action

Now this is a very important moment, because you just have a few seconds to draw the reader’s attention. You need to encourage them to read the whole message you’ve prepared for them. Above all, you need to have a specified goal – call to action (CTA). It can be a link to your new article, or a product you want to sell. As you know, your main goal is sales, but when you write emails, you can’t show it to your subscribers. So, as we mentioned at the beginning, don’t be too pushy. Do you want your reader to visit your website, buy a product, and take part in the competition? You need to guide them to it through an effective CTA.


The recipient opens the email → reads the content → clicks the link → sees the offer → makes a transaction


  1. Before you send the email, read it a couple of times. Check if the information is clear and the reader would know what to do. Encourage them to click the link, to be familiar with what you’ve prepared.
  2. Focus on one step they have to take.
  3. You want your reader to make a step further, so tell them, what are the benefits, what they can learn from the new article or, if it’s an extensive guide, tell them what value it would bring them and what they could gain if they make a particular actions.
  4. Don’t forget CTA – it has to be visible and clear.


Example: Find out what are the best methods of promoting an online store.

Example: See the entry / get a free guide / get 50% discount


5.Sometimes the decisive process lasts really long, so make it look urgent. Tell them that a free guide is available only today, or use the promo code until tomorrow. Later it’s going to be too late.

6. Make sure the link works! Before you send the email to clients, send a test version to yourself. Check if links work properly and take the recipient to the correct site. Test multiple versions. We are different and not everybody pays attention to the same thing. So in order to encourage your audience to open your emails and take actions, test several different versions.


Pay attention to the color of a CTA button, and also it’s size and shape.

Color, size and font style of the CTA button. Does everything look coherent?


Correcting the buttons you often use may bring amazing results. For example changing “find your solution” to “learn more”, made the click through rate of the email increase by 77%. Using the option “subscribe & save” instead of “view subscription options” made the click through rate increase by 181% in a different campaign. Source:


Email marketing as the most promising channel for the future

Consumers claim that email will be the more available than Facebook and TV, which are on the second and third place. Then there are Twitter, Snapchat, and other channels on the graphic below. The support for electronic mail is especially strong among two groups. The first group is Generation Y, aka Millennials, who are now one of the strongest groups of consumers. Those people were born approximately between the 80s and 00s. They are quite confident when it comes to looking up information online and sharing it with friends, they have a huge knowledge about products and services. They read labels, ingredient lists, and nothing will go unnoticed. This group is very optimistic about longevity of emails. The second group consists of people who have the above average income from their household. Such optimism among young, wealthy people is a sign that email marketing will be strong in 2020.







In 2020 email marketing will stay and won’t go away. The only thing that changes is the ways of communication with the client. There was a time when the popularity of social media grew steadily over the years. We were worried if email marketing will survive. As it turns out, we didn’t have to worry. Through email marketing, you can reach your audience and generate a high sales rate. However, we have to remember to always be up to date with our emails. Follow the trends, and be always ready to change something. No matter what the changes are – email marketing continues to grow. Which means that marketers are always prepared and constantly learn and develop. So can YOU! Email marketing will be evolving faster over the next 5 years than it was before.


“In the next five years, email marketing will remain the most effective channel of sending messages. Marketing platforms will become more available and easier to use. Electronic mail will finally keep the promise of the real direct marketing”


We hope that our tips and tricks were helpful and you’ll use it to plan your campaigns in 2020. If you’re just starting in email marketing, use your knowledge to create good emails. You will learn a lot of practical and effective actions which would help you to achieve expected results.



Wait, it’s not all!

You can learn how to create good and effective emails.

You just need to learn the tactics and start to apply them. We prepared a course for you.


Effective Email Marketing – A Course

Take part in a free course and become an email marketing ninja! Have you just started your adventure with email marketing? Do you want to increase your sales? Do you care about building and maintaining good relationships with your clients?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, this course is for you.

Email marketing is one of the most effective strategies of direct marketing. It is also the simplest form of advertisement at the same time. If your income is not satisfying for you, then email marketing can help you to change that.


By taking this course, you will find out:

  • how to build an email list and segment them
  • how to properly write an email
  • terms such as: mailing, newsletter, autoresponder
  • how to implement email marketing to your business
  • what are sales funnels
  • about the great tool for email marketing


Everyday for 7 days you will get one lesson to your inbox. This is all it takes to make your start easier than you thought was possible.

Convinced? Take part in a Course and become an email marketing ninja >>>

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